Head of military-patriotic education

About the division

Patriotism is a feeling of love for one's Motherland, expressed in active activity for its prosperity and defense against enemies. This definition contains the essence of the ideology of patriotism in a general form. Specifically the orientation of patriotism is determined by its ideological basis.

The purpose of military-patriotic education of college students is the development and education of a responsible attitude to themselves, their family, society, people, civic and patriotic competence, gaining experience of participation in public life, civic initiatives, socially important projects, having an active life position.

Developing this direction, the head of military-patriotic education sets the following tasks:

  • To form respect for human rights, freedoms and duties;
  • to form valuable ideas about love for the Republic of Belarus, the people of the country, for one's small homeland;
  • to develop mastery of the content of such concepts as “service to the Fatherland”, “legal system and the rule of law”, “civil society”, of the ethical categories of “freedom and responsibility”, of the worldview concepts of “honor”, “conscience”, “duty”, “justice”, “trust”, etc..;
  • to form moral notions of duty, honor and dignity in the context of attitude to the Fatherland, to fellow citizens, to the family;
  • to form competencies and value ideas about the rule of law and the need for law and order, social harmony and intercultural interaction.