Micro- and nanoelectronic
Изображение №1
Изображение №1

About the division

The cycle commission "Micro- and nanoelectronic technologies and systems" is a graduating commission in the specialty 2-41 01 02 "Micro- and nanoelectronic technologies of the system"
(qualification "technician-technologist").

The work of the commission is aimed at the development and implementation of integration processes through cooperation and interaction of personnel, which make it possible to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

Specialists of JSC INTEGRAL are involved in the management of the practice for obtaining the profession of a worker and the practice of technology in the specialty 2-41 02 01 "Micro- and Nanoelectronics".

The experience of involving the employees of OJSC INTEGRAL in the implementation of the practical component of the educational process provides a higher level of organization of work performed at production sites to obtain the profession of an operator of diffusion processes, precision photolithography, plasma-chemical and Elion processes.

The commission is assigned the laboratory “Modeling and optimization of technological processes and elements of microelectronic devices, calculation and design of microelectronic devices, solid state physics and microelectronics” (room 103) and the office “Nanoelectronics and nanotechnology, equipment for the production of microelectronic devices, electrical and electronic components of devices and systems"

The laboratory created at the enterprise for training students in the specialty "Micro- and nanoelectronic technologies and systems", the availability of a training class provide practice-oriented training in this specialty in conditions as close as possible to production.




All information

Elective courses and counselling
Study subject Teacher Title Details
Технология производства микроэлектронных устройств Василевская Нина Ивановна Консультация

Гр. 0К9591:
Пн, 12.00 – 13.00.

Проектирование микроэлектронных устройств Василевская Нина Ивановна Консультация

Гр. 1К9591:
Пт, 12.00 – 13.00.

Технология производства микроэлектронных устройств Кусенок Екатерина Николаевна Консультация

Ср, 12.00 – 13.00.

Оборудование производства микроэлектронных устройств Кусенок Екатерина Николаевна Консультация

Ср, 12.00 – 13.00.

Наноэлектронные технологии и наноматериалы Кусенок Екатерина Николаевна Консультация

Пн, 12.00 – 13.00.

Испытание и контроль качества микроэлектронных устройств Кусенок Екатерина Николаевна Консультация

Пн, 12.00 – 13.00.

Материалы и компоненты электронной техники Шульгов Владимир Владимирович Консультация

Гр. 2К9591:
Пн, 15.00 – 16.00.

Detailed information

Academic work

The following academic disciplines are assigned to the cyclic commission "Micro- and nanoelectronic technologies and systems":

  1. Solid state physics
  2. Design of microelectronic devices
  3. Equipment for the production of microelectronic devices
  4. Technology of production of microelectronic devices
  5. Functional microelectronics
  6. Nanoelectronic technologies and nanomaterials
  7. Nanoelectronics and devices based on quantum effects
  8. Testing and quality control of microelectronic devices
  9. Modeling and optimization of technological processes and elements of microelectronic devices