Production and operation of electronic devices
Изображение №1
Изображение №1
Изображение №2
Изображение №2

About the division

The cycle commission "DESIGN AND OPERATION OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES" interacts with the radio engineering department and is a graduate in the specialties 2-39 02 32 "Design and production of radio-electronic means" and 2-39 02 31 "Technical operation of radio-electronic means" .

The teaching of academic subjects assigned to the cycle commission begins from the second semester of the 2nd year of study at the college and ends with a theoretical cycle in the last year of study with two production practices - technological and pre-diploma. Technological and pre-diploma practice is aimed at forming the professional competence of a specialist and preparing him to perform professional functions. Practical training of a specialist is an obligatory part of the educational process and is aimed at consolidating the knowledge and skills acquired in the process of theoretical training.

According to the results of the final certification (writing and defending a graduation project), graduates are awarded the qualifications of "technician-technologist" and "radio engineer", respectively.




All information

Elective courses and counselling
Study subject Teacher Title Details
Бойко Дарья Анатольевна Консультация

Чт, 13.40 – 14.25, ауд. 401.

Будник Светлана Владимировна Консультация

Пн, 10.45 – 11.30, ауд. 403.

Даниленко Борис Петрович Консультация

Пт, 14.35 – 15.20, ауд. 307.

Кравченко Владислав Андреевич Консультация

Чт, 17.30 – 18.15, ауд. 307.

Сидоров Николай Николаевич Консультация

Сб, 13.00 – 13.45, ауд. 307.

Сидорович Татьяна Ивановна Консультация

Пн, 12.45 – 13.30, ауд. 401.

Detailed information

Academic work

The following academic disciplines are assigned to the cycle commission "Manufacture and operation of electronic means":

  1. Radio engineering
  2. Design of radio electronic means
  3. Computer-aided design systems
  4. Testing and control of radio electronic means
  5. Technology and automation of production of radio electronic means
  6. Household radio and television equipment
  7. Technical operation of radio and television networks
  8. Modeling of structural elements of radio-electronic means
  9. A television
  10. TV Basics
  11. Radio electronic devices
  12. Standardization and certification
  13. Repair and adjustment of household radio and television equipment
  14. Security systems
Offices and laboratories assigned to the cyclic commission
  • Лаборатория радиотехники, радиоэлектронных устройств, конструирования, технологии и автоматизации производства радиоэлектронных и электронных вычислительных средств, испытания и контроля радиоэлектронных средств (ауд. 403);

  • Кабинет стандартизации и сертификации, оценки качества радиоэлектронных средств, курсового и дипломного проектирования (ауд. 401);

  • Лаборатория телевидения и аудиотехники, ремонта и регулировки бытовой радиотелевизионной аппаратуры, технической эксплуатации радиотелевизионных сетей (ауд. 307);

  • Лаборатория охранных и телевизионных систем видеонаблюдения (ауд. 315).