Training and production workshops

About the division

Training and production workshops provide:

  • conducting educational practices of secondary specialized education
  • in order to consolidate theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities acquired by students in laboratory and practical classes;
  • creates conditions for the development of technical creativity and rationalization work of students and staff of the college;
  • formation of professional skills in working professions in accordance with the chosen specialty.



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There are three laboratories functioning in UPM.

The following practices are conducted in the electrical installation laboratories No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3:

1. electrical installation practice for students of specialties:

5-04-0713-09 “Manufacture of micro and nanoelectronics products”;
5-04-0713-05 “Production of electronic devices”;
5-04-0713-06 “Technical operation of electronic devices”;
5-04-0611-01 “Programming of mobile devices”;
5-04-0611-02 “Technical provision of information security”.
2. Training practice for obtaining the qualification of a worker “Radio mechanic for repair of radio electronic equipment and devices” for students of specialty 2-39 02 32 “Design and production of radio technical means”.

3. Training practice for obtaining the qualification of a worker “Installer of radio-electronic equipment and devices” for students of specialty 2-39 02 32 “Design and production of radio equipment” and 2-40 02 02 02 “Electronic Computers”, 5-04-0713-01 “Technical operation of computer equipment”, 5-04-0713-05 “Production of electronic devices”, 5-04-0713-06 “Technical operation of electronic devices.

4. Training practice for obtaining the qualification of a worker “Locksmith assembler of radio electronic equipment and devices” for students of specialties 2-39 02 32 “Design and production of radio technical means”, 5-04-0713-05 “Production of electronic devices”, 5-04-0713-06 “Technical operation of electronic devices”.

5. Training practice for obtaining the qualification of a worker “Electrician of security and fire alarm system” for students of specialty 2-39 02 31 “Technical operation of radioelectronic devices”.