Primary Organisation of the Republican Public Association "Belaya Rus"

About the division

If you are “For a strong and prosperous Belarus!”, join us!

We care about how our state will look like. We are ready to contribute to the improvement of life of our fellow countrymen, preservation of culture and national traditions of the Belarusian people!




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Detailed information

EE BSUIR branch “Minsk Radio Engineering College”

Chairman of PO ROO “Belaya Rus” EE BSUIR branch “Minsk Radio Engineering College” – Bobko Elena Anatolievna, deputy director for educational work.

As of 01.01.2023 the PO ROO “Belaya Rus” of EE BSUIR branch “Minsk Radio Engineering College” unites 59 people. The association carries out its activity in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Public Associations”, other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus and on the basis of the Statute. The association is a legal entity, has separate property, an independent balance sheet, a bank account, and is liable for its obligations.

The purpose of the organization's activity

To promote the unification of progressive forces of society interested in building a strong and prosperous Belarus, a socially just society based on patriotic and spiritual and moral values of the Belarusian people.

Tasks of the organization's activity

  • To promote the participation of citizens in the realization of the tasks of socio-economic development of the country;
  • Contributing to the formation of a strong, effective, social state capable of ensuring a decent standard of living for citizens and guaranteeing the protection of their interests;
  • participation in the formation of civil society in the Republic of Belarus;
  • consolidation of public forces in order to realize the statutory goal;
  • educating citizens and encouraging them to take an active part in the life of the country, fostering patriotism as the most important spiritual and social value;
  • attracting the attention of state bodies, the public and mass media to the solution of urgent problems of the country and society development;
  • promoting the development of international cooperation and establishing cooperation with public associations of other states.