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The Minsk Radio Engineering College has concluded agreements on cooperation and joint activities in the field of education with the following educational institutions:
We invite students and college employees to take part in events related to international cooperation!
period of conduct | ^-= _ =-HA^-= _ =-=- -=-_ =-=== –= =s–=–========= –=-=-=-a ==–====== –= -=–================- -a = –========= -=-= –=–============ -a =–========== –= –= – ^^-= =redustional institution^-=_–=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_=_] _=-^^HIA-HA =-^Note ^_ = _ =- ^
| HA-_ =- ^-=HHA =-HA = = = = ^ IN = ^ THEY = ^ ^ = = = =^-=_=_=_–^-^- . 2023 ^ | ^-= _ =-HBPOU RO "Rostov-on-Don College Connection and computer science " ^ | online for teachers
| ^-= _ = _ =-^25-October 27 , 2023
| ^^_ =-^-^-^GBPOU RO "Rostov-on-Don College of Communication and Computer Science" ^ | -^online https: // =-^ for students
| ^-= _ =-PA PA-= ^^-=_=_-^-=_-^-=_-=_^-=_–=_–^FORCIT-=^FORCY^-= A ^-=_-^EREEVER, IMust and Design. Samara ”^-=_=_–^-=_^-=_=_–^- –=_=_=_–^-=HHA = in = in = in = in = in = in = in = in = in = in O IN = THEY = THEY = ^ ^-=_–=_ -=_^-=_=_^HA-=_=_=^-=^-=^-=^ ^-=_=_=_^^^^^^^^^ ^-= =–=-=-=-_ = =_ = =_ = =_ =_ =-_ = =_ = =_ = = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ =-_ =-= _ =-= _ =-=- ^ | Olympiad for IT with international participation. B. I. Rameeva
| online | ^ | Ha- = _ =-^^PHE = _ =-^
| -^International student scientific and practical conference "Creation-2024"^-= _ =-----=---= _ =-- ^ |
| ^ | HA-= _ =- ^ ^ PHE = _ =-^ Open Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Electronic Solutions in Life and Science" with international participation^-= _ =----- ^ | April 11, 2024 | ^-= _ =-PHI-=-=^^ College of radio electronics and information technologies named after Alexander Voskresensky
| measures, confined to the 80th anniversary of the college
| April, 2024 ^ ^-= _ =-PA GBPOU "St. Petersburg College Management and commerce " | ^ -^online^-_ =-^ | PHA-=^^-=^^^
April 11, 2024 | online |
| measures dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the college |
April, 2024 | online |
| technical school of radio electronics and information technologies named after Alexander Voskresensky | online |
| measures dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the college | ^ – = _ = ^ April, 2024 ^ – = _ = ^ April, 2024 | St. Petersburg GBPOU "St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce" | online |