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12.12.2024 #college_life 950 1 мин
Final of the IT-Tech 2024 hackathon
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After 48 hours of continuous work among 12 college teams, today the results of the online Hackathon “IT-Tech 2024” were summed up. Yesterday from 17:00 to 23:00 the team leaders presented their projects to the jury.

For the second year in a row, college students presented worthy projects. This year, out of 7 awards, 3 will be sent to RTOs. In the category:

  1. “The best solution in the field of data analytics” the best solution was presented by the team of group 2K9391: Elopov Ivan Nikolaevich, Voronovskaya Ekaterina, Martynyuk Ilya, Pokalyuk Egor
  2. “Best Mobile Application” – gr. 1K9391: Robert Gasparyan, Anastasia Novikova, Roman Chechetkin, Diana Kononovich;
  3. “Best Project Presentation” – gr. 3K9391: Alina Lisovskaya, Maria Nichiperovich, Artyom Khachatryan, Nikita Ragoisha, Daniil Pavlyuchenko, Milana Zhukovskaya.

Thank you for your work. We are waiting for new victories!