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09.02.2024 #college_life 1676 1 мин
Victory in the city stage of the republican youth project “100 ideas for Belarus”
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On February 8, the city stage of the republican youth project “100 ideas for Belarus” took place in the Minsk City Technopark. College students presented 6 projects with dignity.

According to the results of the city stage winners the following were recognized:

Rubatsky A. A., Ryabtsev M. S., gr. 2k9191, radio engineering department (headed by Benediktovich I. V.) project “Complex of automated control of chemical and radiation conditions”

Askerko M. O., Sudbina D. Ch., Shalak D. Yu., Bondarevich K. I., gr. 2k9393, department of computer technology, (headed by V. N. Kochneva) project “Shadow mode: virtualization of learning through a camera.”

The following projects were awarded a special prize :

Sazanchuk E. P., “Smart City” project, gr. 0K9591, department of electronics (headed by A. O. Andreychuk)

Rubatsky A. A., Ryabtsev M. S., gr. 2k9191 (director I. V. Benediktovich) project “Complex for automated monitoring of chemical and radiation conditions”

Congratulations to the winners and their leaders. We wish you successful performances at the republican stage!