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19.02.2024 #college_life 1885 1 мин
Annual Olympiad named after B. I. Rameeva
Изображение №1
Изображение №1

On February 15, 2024, students of the Minsk Radio Engineering College took part in the annual Olympiad with International Participation in Information Technologies named after B. I. Rameeva.

The Olympiad was held online on the LMS Moodle platform, and one hundred and nineteen students from twenty-four colleges and technical schools of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Minsk Radio Engineering College took part in it.

Participants of the Olympiad completed test and practical tasks in the areas of information technology, operating systems and environments, the basics of algorithmization and programming, and a foreign language in professional activities.

Congratulations to the Team of Minsk Radio Engineering College for the team 3rd place

  • Askerko Maxim Olegovich
  • Bondarenko Egor Sergeevich
  • Radyuk Savva Olegovich
  • Turchin Timur Alexandrovich
  • Khabalkin Arseniy Dmitrievich

We wish you further success and new victories!