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15.03.2024 #college_life 1742 1 мин
Results of the first stage of the international competition for mobile application development
Изображение №1
Изображение №1

The jury of the international mobile application development competition summed up the results of the first stage. The following participants proceed to the second stage:
Loy Vyacheslav Andreevich
Manyakin Dmitry Romanovich
Fadin Ivan Vitalievich
Sinkov Arseniy Romanovich
Martyanov Nikita Nikolaevich
Sidorkin Arseniy Andreevich
Matrosov Vladislav Aleksandrovich
Pytlyak Nikita Sergeevich
Shukalo Pavel Konstantinovich
Litvinko Sergey Stepanovich
The second stage is held online on March 19, 2024 at 10.00 am using the Yandex Telemost video conference program.