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30.10.2024 #college_life 1075 1 мин
Looking to the future
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📌For students of the Minsk Radio Engineering College and students of educational institutions of the Sovetsky district of Minsk, at the invitation of the deputy, member of the Standing Commission on Health, Physical Culture, Family and Youth Policy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the eighth convocation, Dergach Natalya Sergeevna, an excursion to the House of Representatives was organized

Natalya Sergeevna personally gave the young guests a tour of the parliament building. The children learned about the history of the formation of Belarusian parliamentarism, the features of the legislative process and the work of the deputy corps. Students visited the Presidential Library of the Republic of Belarus, where they were able to familiarize themselves with rare publications and learn about the role of the library in providing information to the activities of government bodies.