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14.11.2024 #college_life 1284 1 мин
Distribution of young specialists completing their studies in 2025
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On November 14, 2024, the college hosted the distribution of young specialists completing their studies in 2025.

Graduates were distributed in accordance with the specialty received (direction of specialty, specialization) and assigned qualifications, taking into account the training applications submitted to the educational institution by the organizations – customers of personnel and the interaction agreements concluded with organizations – customers of personnel.

The base organization had a preferential right to satisfy its need for specialists with secondary specialized education. After satisfying the needs for specialists, workers (employees) of organizations that ordered personnel, graduates were distributed in accordance with the specialty received and assigned qualifications to other organizations based on their written requests.

Graduates were also sent to work as workers in accordance with the rank and qualifications obtained during the training period.

The commission made a decision on the distribution of graduates taking into account:

  • academic results;
  • participation in research and social work;
  • places of industrial and pre-diploma internship;
  • state of health, marital status and place of residence of the family;
  • recommendations from the educational institution on the most appropriate placement of a graduate to work;
  • his personal wishes.

Representatives of the basic organizations (security departments of the city of Minsk) were present as official representatives of the employers: OJSC "Integral" – the management company of the holding "Integral", OJSC "Peleng", LLC "NANOTECH", OJSC "Rudensk", OJSC "Electrum", UE "N-TV", UE "ICT Horizont") and other organizations.

The students were assigned to basic organizations: OJSC Integral – the management company of the Integral holding, Security Departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk, OJSC MMZ named after S. I. Vavilov – the management company of the Bel OMO holding, Minsk Central Customs, NPRUE "BelGISS", UE "N-TV", OJSC "Peleng", LLC "NANOTECH", OJSC "Rudensk", OJSC "Electrum", UE "ICT Horizont", OJSC "Minsk Civil Aviation Plant 487", Holding "Geoinformation Control Systems", OJSC "Factory of Innovations and Solutions", as well as other organizations on based on applications placed in the republican automated system “Order for personnel training” and written requests from organizations.

In December and January, students will undergo industrial technological and pre-diploma internships at the place of assignment.