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14.03.2024 #announcements 4379 6 мин
60th anniversary scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students of BSUIR
Изображение №1
Изображение №1


Section “Electronic tools and technologies” (04/22/2024).

Section “Electronics and Automation” (04/23/2024).

Section “Mathematical and natural sciences” (04/23/2024).

Sections “Informatics and Programming” (04/24/2024).

Section “Social Sciences and Humanities” (04/25/2024).

About the conference

Duration: 22–26 April 2024 year. View the conference program .

As part of the 60th anniversary scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students of the educational institution “Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics" a scientific conference of students will be organized at the Minsk Radio Engineering College.

The purpose of the conference is:

  • developing in students the skills of independent work with educational and scientific literature, the ability to analyze and generalize the material being studied, the ability to form their own conclusions and conclusions, present them in the form of theses and in the form of public speaking;
  • identifying and supporting the creative and intellectual potential of students;
  • raising awareness of conference participants about the latest scientific achievements in areas of knowledge corresponding to the areas of the conference.

Conference Commission

Shatalova V. V. – director, candidate. tech. sciences, associate professor, chairman of the commission for organizing and holding the Scientific Conference of Students of the BSUIR branch “Minsk Radio Engineering College”;

Belchik M. A. – deputy director for educational and methodological work, teacher of the highest category, master’s degree, responsible for the preparation, release of the program and electronic collection of abstracts of reports of the scientific conference of college students;

Bobko E. A. – deputy director for educational work, teacher of the highest category, researcher;

Evmenova O. Yu. – methodologist, teacher of the first category;

Komyak E. N. – head of the radio engineering department, teacher of the highest category;

Ruchaevskaya E. G. – teacher of the highest category, Ph. D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor;

Smoler I. G. – head of the department of computer technology, teacher of the highest category, master’s degree;

Chagaeva I. N. – head of the electronics department, teacher of the highest category;

Shumchik F. S. – Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, teacher of the highest category, Ph. D. Phil. Sciences, Associate Professor;

Yakovlev A. V. – head of the competence center, teacher of the highest category.

Conference Sections

At the Minsk Radio Engineering College branch, the conference will be organized in the following sections:

1. Section “Informatics and programming”
Jury members
Chairman Lazitskas E. A. , teacher of the highest category, chairman of the Central Committee “Information Technology Software”, master’s degree tech. Sciences
Deputy Chairman Nazarova A. I. , teacher of the highest category, master of technical sciences. Sciences
Secretary Kochneva V. N. , teacher of the first category, master's degree
Contact information
Work phone 375 17 361-62-01
2. Section “Electronics and automation”
Jury members
Chairman Chvala N. V. , teacher of the highest category, Chairman of the Central Committee “Programmable Digital Devices”
Deputy Chairman Molchan L. V. , teacher of the highest category, chairman of the Central Committee “General Technical Subjects”
Secretary Gavrilenko V. S. – teacher
Contact data
Email ck _ evs @ mrk
Work phone 375 29 357-33-07
3. Section “Electronic tools and technologies”
Jury members
Chairman Kusenok E. N. , teacher of the highest category, Chairman of the Central Committee “Micro- and Nanoelectronics”
Deputy Chairman Sidorovich T. I. , teacher of the highest category of disciplines, chairman of the Central Committee “Production and Operation of Electronic Devices”
Secretary Budnik S. V. − teacher of the first category, master's degree
Contact information
Email ck _ pipres @ mrk bsuir . by
Work phone 375 29 690-85-93
4. Section “Social Sciences and Humanities”
Jury members
Chairman Kozak T. V. , teacher of the first category, Chairman of the Central Committee “Social and Humanitarian Subjects”
Deputy Chairman Nesterenko S. M. , teacher of the highest category
Secretary Kostsova A. A. , teacher of the second category
Contact information
Email ck _ soc @ mrk bsuir . by
Work phone 375 17 378-81-12
5. Section “Mathematical and natural sciences”
Jury members
Chairman Makhnach S. B. , teacher of the highest category, chairman of the Central Committee “Mathematical and Natural Science Subjects”
Deputy Chairman Tynkovich V. V. , teacher of the highest category
Secretary Kuvshinchikova N. V. – teacher of the highest category
Contact information
Work phone 375 17 374-80-99

Registration of participants

To participate in the conference, you must fill out the form at the link before 04/05/2024 order – .

Please note that all data provided during registration must correspond to the data provided in the report sent by the author. In case of data discrepancy – materials will be rejected !

Providing materials

To include reports in the electronic collection, it is necessary before April 5, 2024 to send to the email address of the section in which the author plans to take part, materials formatted in according to requirements.

Working languages: Belarusian, Russian, English.

To prepare report materials, use the text editor Microsoft Word. Materials are accepted in electronic form and only in the file format *.doc or *.docx . The name of the file with materials consists of the surname(s) of the author(s) and the initial of his/her name, for example: Ivanov_S, Petrov_R.doc .

Reports that have been registered, but do not meet the specified requirements for the design and topic of the conference section, will not be accepted for consideration and will not be published.

The authors bear full responsibility for the content and design of the text, as well as the originality of the presented materials of the reports. Reports are published in the author's edition and are not subject to change.

Based on the results of section meetings, the authors of the best reports will be awarded diplomas from the BSUIR UPKVNK, diplomas of I, II and III degrees.

Requirements for the design of materials

  • Materials are presented in a form ready for publication. The report must be a logically complete message containing new theoretical or practical results.
  • The volume of material, including illustrations and bibliography, should range from 2 full to 3 full A4 pages from 2 full to 3 full A4 pages
  • Materials are presented in one of the working languages ​​of the conference.
  • Paper size: A4 (210x297 mm); Margins: left – 2.5 cm, right – 1.5 cm, top – 1.5 cm, bottom – 1.5 cm.
  • Text font: Times New Roman ; single line spacing; hyphenation everywhere except the name of the material and organization – auto:
    • UDC (in Russian and English) – 12 pt (left alignment, no indentation);
    • name of the material (in Russian and English) – 14 pt (capital, bold, centered alignment, spacing before – 1 art., after – 0.5 art., no indentation);
    • surname and initials of the author (in Russian and English) – 11 pt (italics, aligned by center, interval before – 0.5 art., after – 0.5 art., no indentation);
    • name of the organization (in Russian and English) indicating the address – 10 pt (italics, centered, no indentation);
    • surname and initials of the scientific supervisor indicating the academic degree and title (in Russian and English) – 10 pt (italics , center alignment, no paragraph indent);
    • abstract (in Russian and English) in the amount of 3 – 5 lines (no more than 100 words) – 10 pt (left and right indentation – 1.5 cm; center alignment, spacing after – 1 st);
    • key words (in Russian and English) – 10 pt (left and right indentation – 1.5 cm; center alignment, spacing after – 1 art.);
    • body text – 12 pt (width alignment, paragraph indent – ​​1 cm);
    • list of references (title) – 12 pt (italics, bold, aligned center, spacing before – 1 art.);
    • list of references – 8 pt (italics, justified); There is no paragraph indentation. Footnotes to the literature in square brackets.
      A list of references is required!
  • Design of drawings. Drawings should be made in the format .jpg , .bmp . It is not allowed to use figures created using Microsoft Word in the article. Font for figure captions – 9 pt, (centered alignment, no indentation, space after – 0.5 art.). The name of the figure is “Figure (serial number) – Text” (For example: Figure 1 – Construction principle...). Drawings must not extend beyond the specified fields. There is an empty line before and after the picture. The text must contain links to pictures!
  • Create formulas ONLY in the built-in formula editor in Microsoft Word . There is an empty line before and after the formula. The text must contain references to formulas!
  • Design of tables. The font in the table is 10 pt. Table name above the table – “Table (ordinal number) – Text” (For example: Table 1 – Data on ...). Tables must not extend beyond the specified fields. There is an empty line after the table. The text must contain links to tables!

A sample report format can be found at the link: .

Rules for creating a list of used sources follow the link: .