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An event was held at the MRK dormitory on the topic: “Chronograph in memory of the victims of the genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War: remember everyone, remember everyone!”
In order to educate citizenship, patriotism, develop students' understanding of genocide during the Great Patriotic War, a sense of compassion for the victims of genocide, and preserve historical memory, an event was held in the dormitory of the Minsk Radio Engineering College on the topic: “Chronograph of the memory of the victims of the genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War : remember everyone, remember everyone!”.
The mournful date on the calendar – December 9 – once again calls us remember and preserve the memory of people who were victims of genocide, as well as pass on to the younger generation values aimed at preventing such crimes and making our society strong and united.