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In Minsk, there are all conditions (stationary, semi -stationary, outpatient) for medical prevention and stage treatment of consumers of psychoactive substances, which is carried out in the healthcare institution “Minsk City Clinical Narcological Center”, the site
Compared to the previous year in 2024, the number of patients with drug addiction and drug consumption from 4882 to 4784 people by 2%due to a decrease in patients in a preventive group by 5.6%, from 1,992 to 1,880, under the dispensary observation, from 2890 to 2904, also under the supervision consists of 352 consumers of toxic toxic funds (349). Among minors, there is an increase from 13 to 14 people, of which in the dispensary group a decrease from 2 to 1, in the preventive group, an increase from 11 people to 13.
Among all the observed patients, the number of women in 2024 decreased by 1.4%, from 1083 to 1068 people – their share among drug users has not changed – from 21.9%to 21.5%. Their number of the preventive observation group decreased by 1.3% from 449 to 443 people, the dispensary group of women decreased by 1.4% from 634 to 625 people.
In 2024, 17.3% less drug users were detected, a decrease from 866 to 716 people, of which the largest number of patients are people with an unformed dependence. The identification of drug -consumers in the preventive group decreased by 25.2%, from 616 to 461 people, among minors – a decrease from 17 to 15 people, and an increase in the dispensary group by 2% – from 250 to 255. At the same time, 7.5% less people than 2023 were detected with drug addiction, a decrease from 174 to 161 people. Among adolescents, isolated cases of drug addiction are recorded: for 2024 – 1 case (1).
The identification of drug users is a clear indicator of the active work of all subjects of prevention aimed at counteracting drug use.
Social portrait of the observed narcological service of the city of Minsk drugs and consumers of PAV in 2024, adults – there are 5121 people in total, of which:
The conjuncture of the consumed substances, as a result of which narcological observation was established for adult patients: opium – 45.44%, stimulants – 12.48%, cannabis – 10.62%, polynarkomania – 14.16%, methadone (non -scanning) – 2.44%, glue and volatile solvents – 0.76%, other substances, including smoking mixtures – 4.53%, sedative drugs – 1.46%, heroin – 6.64%, hallucinogens – 1.37%.
In 2024, the number of surveys for narcotic and toxic intoxication conducted with the participation of specialists of the MGKNC UZ increased by 88.8% compared to the same period last year from 1558 to 2 942: the number of intoxication in 2024 decreased by 51.9%, from 595 to 286 cases, the establishment of the fact of the use of narcotic (toxic means) It grew 2.2 times from 221 to 501 cases, and in total, the “positive result of drug examination” decreased slightly, by 3.6% – from 816 and 787 cases.
In the UZ "MGKNC" an opioid replacement therapy (hereinafter referred to as the OPT) is being implemented, two cabinets of OPT work. 172 (184) patients receives replacement therapy, of which: working – 62 or 36% (33 – 17.9%), are in official marriage – 35 or 20.3% (31 – 16.8%).
The interaction between the UZ "MGKNC" and public organizations operating in the field of prevention of consumption of psychoactive substances continues. BOO “Positive Movement” in order to promote the social rehabilitation of narcological patients in the framework of the service “Social work with people who are in opioid replacement therapy, to form commitment to treatment and improve their quality of life”. Interaction is conducted with the public organization "Your Chance" that actively represents the interests of OPT patients.
In the UZ "MGKNC", stationary narcological rehabilitation is carried out on the basis of drug refinement No. 6 at the address of 22 (30 rehabilitation beds) and No. 3 at the address of 16 (30 rehabilitation beds), outpatopological rehabilitation is carried out from 01/03/2023 at the basis of the department of daytime No. 1 at the address at the address Nekrasova St., 22 (50 seats). In the listed conditions for 2024, 66 drug users (72) received rehabilitation assistance in the listed conditions, of which 51 are stationary (63) and 15 in the day of daytime stay (9).
In total, in 2024, 539 drug addicts (581) received inpatient drugs, of which: MGKNC – 96 people (108), RNPCPZ – 443 people (473). In connection with drug poisoning and their analogues, 344 (373) people received toxicological assistance in the GKBSMP in connection with poisoning.
^^ The narcological service of the city for the treatment of drug users uses a modern and most effective method of treatment with dependencies-narcological rehabilitation.
In 2024, the effectiveness of medical examinations was:
^ remission is fixed for more than 1 year in 14.9% (21.5%) of patients in the dispensary group;
The results of numerous studies in the field of public healthcare show that syringes, replacement therapy with a methadone, autistic work and other programs for reducing harm contribute to a significant reduction in the level and rate of the spread of diseases (drug addiction, HIV, etc.), help to establish contact between medical and social care services and people in need. Such interaction leads to many positive results, both in terms of health protection and in terms of social protection of the population.
Addiction is not only a medical problem. Successful prevention of drug addiction is possible only in close interdepartmental interaction.
Information about the social "portrait" of the drug user is taken into account when planning work in the field of counteracting drug addiction. Depending on the circle of persons covered by the prevention, 3 types of prevention are used: primary, secondary and tertiary.
Primary prevention aims to prevent drug use by persons who have not previously used them. It is the most massive, focused on children, adolescents, youth. Her efforts are aimed not so much at the prevention of the development of the disease, but at the formation of the ability to preserve or strengthen health. The massive preventive work of the adolescence of the MGKNC adolescence among organized adolescents and youth led to the fact that during 2020–2025 Single cases of drug addiction are recorded: in 2024 and 2025 – 1 teenager.
Secondary prevention is selective, focused on persons who have already tried drugs or on persons who have separate signs of forming drugs in its initial stage-public organizations (“positive movement”, “anonymous drug addicts”, “mother against drugs”) participate in the implementation of this stage, and specialist doctors are connected (consulting and preventive observation in the drugs service). Along with rutinnnic for narcologists, stopping with withdrawal of with a withdrawal (“breaking”) and the same routine for toxicologists with a drug intoxication with psychosis (treatment of “poisoning”), which are the basic stages of treatment for drug replacement, UZ “GKND” uses a modern method-the method of medical rehabilitation.
Tertiary prevention of dependence is a purely medical, individual and focused on the contingent of citizens of already sick, addiction to drugs (dispensary observation in the narcological service): stopping the withdrawal of with subsequent medical rehabilitation and post -rehabilitation support, replacement methadone therapy (hereinafter – ZMT), the active participation of public organizations (“positive movement”, “positive movement”, "Anonymous drug addicts").
1 ruble, invested in the prevention of the disease according to statistics, saves 19 rubles invested in the treatment of a medical problem and its results. Preventive medicine is certainly the medicine of the future. Any diseases are much easier, cheaper and easier to prevent than treating, especially narcological.
It is especially important to carry out preventive work among young people, which is one of the risk groups for the development of addictions on psychoactive substances. Social and pedagogical technologies for primary drug addiction should be used more widely:
Prevention of drug addiction will be successful when using psychological technologies of primary prevention for working with youth:
In general, only the presence of special knowledge and skills of a healthy lifestyle, as well as modern socially adaptive behavior strategies in the adult part of the population – parents, teachers allows them to have an effective educational impact, psychological and social support for youth and prevent drug addiction.
The consequences of drug use can be divided into three groups: medical, mental and social.
Medical consequences include:
Depression is a state of oppression or dreary mood. Depression in drug addicts occurs during the period of abstinence from drug administration.
An overdose is a frequent situation in the life of a drug addict, especially when using funds and raw materials, the activity of which is higher than those that were usually used. With an overdose, it is possible: loss of consciousness, stopping breathing and cardiac activity – all this requires emergency medical care. The consequence of an overdose is often a fatal outcome.
Convulsions are one of the manifestations of withdrawal syndrome that occurs during the period of abstinence from the administration of the drug. When there is no way to introduce the necessary dose of the drug, general well -being worsens first, the mood decreases, then violations from the stomach, intestines, the cardiovascular system in the form of various kinds of pain, changes in the stool, and interruptions in the work of the heart occur.
Often in patients with drug addictions, complications and infections are noted due to violations of the rules of aseptic during drug administration.
Inflammation of the veins is a consequence of the use of non -sterile syringes and needles or the administration of drugs. Inflammation of the veins, in turn, can lead to serious complication – blood poisoning.
Parenteral hepatitis – inflammatory liver diseases – are very common among drug addicts. They are caused by viruses, which is transmitted from one drug addict to another through infected needles.
AIDS. During the period of “breaking” and an irresistible attraction to the drug, all thoughts and actions of a person are aimed at immediate receipt of a dose in any conditions, in any syringe and any needle-hence the danger of infection of HIV infection.
Mental consequences:
Admission is a distinctive sign of drug addiction as a disease. Gradually, the drug becomes necessary not only to experience the “buzz”, but also to just feel comfortable, mental dependence is formed.
Fears. The drug addict has many reasons to feel fear: the fear of being exposed, arrested, fear for his health, because of his debts, etc. Fears and depression are the most common causes of breakdowns during this period.
High suicidal risk. Fear, depression, “breaking” – and all of the above negative consequences of drug addiction, exhaust the human psyche, bringing it to despair. The apparent hopelessness of the situation pushes a person to suicide.
Social consequences:
Home scandals, loss of friends: a person who uses drugs is forced to constantly hide his addiction from parents and other people, more and more moved away from them. The more drug use, the already becomes a circle of communication.
Criminogenicity (with all the ensuing consequences: beatings, arrests ...) for drug addictions are due to several factors: the need for money for the purchase of drugs, forced to communicate with drug dealers (which in itself is an illegal effect), changes in personality with a characteristic moral and ethical decrease. In addition, drug addicts can perform unlawful actions, while intoxicated or in a psychotic state.
The initial signs of drug addiction
Indirect signs of drug use and drug addiction are not absolute, but often help in determining people who use drugs. Their appearance is not completely terrible. If you focus on external signs, it should be remembered that they are not suitable for drug addicts with little experience.
What are these signs:
UZ "Minsk City Clinical Narcological Center" provides free medical and preventive assistance to residents of Minsk, as well as, if desired, anonymous paid assistance, regardless of citizenship and registration. There is a good medical base: its fluorograph, ultrasound, ECG, clinical-diagnostic laboratory, physiotherapy, acupuncture, psychologists, psychotherapists, i.e. Our patients receive all the necessary procedures, a comprehensive examination and treatment in one place. Specialists of the Minsk City Clinical Narcological Center are held in time in advanced training courses and exams of state accreditation, as well as for compliance with the position held, are professionals of the highest class in their field and are always ready to help you!