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17.01.2024 #leading_educational_institution 3146 1 мин
Seminar “Content of structural elements of scientific and methodological support for specialty 5-04-0612-02 “Development and maintenance of information systems software”
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01/16/2024 at 10.00 at the center of the competence center for information and communication technologies and electronics, a seminar was held in person and with an online connection on the topic “Content of structural elements of scientific and methodological support for specialty 5-04-0612-02 “Development and maintenance of information systems software” " The following issues were discussed at the seminar:

  • Current issues in the development of structural elements of scientific and methodological support for the specialty Irina Sergeevna Kudreiko, methodologist of the center for scientific and methodological support of vocational education, educational institution “Republican Institute of Vocational Education”;
  • Contents and methods of teaching the academic subject “Fundamentals of Information Security”; Molchan Larisa Vladimirovna, teacher (highest category), chairman of the cycle commission “General technical subjects”
  • Contents of the thematic plan of the sample curriculum for the academic subject “Computer Networks” Ashurkevich Kirill Viktorovich, teacher (first category).

Information on the seminar can be clarified by phone 8 017 378-42-87, methodologist Evmenova Olga Yuryevna or by email