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09.12.2024 #news 687 1 мин
The Sovetsky District Court of Minsk continues to carry out preventive work among students
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The Sovetsky District Court of Minsk continues to carry out preventive work among students of educational institutions

Under the chairmanship of Judge Alexander Aleksandrovich Volk, on December 4, 2024, in the assembly hall of the Minsk Radio Engineering College branch of BSUIR, in the presence of 2-4 year students, a criminal case was considered for active participation in group actions that grossly violated public order (under Part 1 of Article 342 of the Criminal Code ).
After considering the criminal case, Alexander Volk explained to the students the requirements of the law of the Republic of Belarus of December 30 1997 No. 114-3 “On mass events in the Republic of Belarus”, spoke about criminal and administrative liability for committing actions related to participation in mass riots and group actions that grossly violate public order.