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24.12.2024 #news 601 1 мин
An informational and educational event “The Trouble Caused by Alcohol and Drugs” was held at the MRK dormitory.
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In order to create conditions for reducing the risk of adolescents engaging in the use of alcohol and drugs, promoting a healthy lifestyle and combating negative phenomena among young people, as well as involving adolescents in preventive campaign activities that promote the formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, December 24, 2024 in the MRK dormitory An informational and educational event “The Trouble Caused by Alcohol and Drugs” was held.
The hosts of the event were Anastasia Artyukhovskaya, a student of group 4K9393, and Polina Bekhter, a student of group 4K9392, spoke about the social and medical consequences of alcohol and drug use.
The guys were asked to do the “Palm” exercise, continuing the phrase: “I will not drink alcohol and drugs because...”.
Technical support for the preparation and holding of the event was provided by a student of group 4K9191 Kamchits Eric.
At the end of the event, the children watched an educational film “On the dangers of alcohol for health.”