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09.01.2025 #news 561 1 мин
Christmas traditions of Belarusians
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During the Christmas week from January 6 to 11, students of the first year of the college played an interesting and informative interactive game "Christmas traditions of Belarusians" using the "Kahoot" platform.
Christmas is one of the oldest and favorite holidays of Belarusians. unfortunately, over time, traditions are forgotten and lost. The creators and leaders of the interactive game, students of the group 4k9592- Mileshka Viktoria, Field Farmer Giorgiy and groups 4k9393- Samtsou Matsvei,
reminded the participants in an interesting way about the peculiarities of the Christmas celebration. and related to the holiday, listened to Christmas carols and watched a fragment of the ceremony After that, the participants answered questions, and the winners received sweet treats interesting about the Belarusian national holiday – Christmas, thereby joining the treasures of national culture, traditions and origins of their people.
Прыемна адзначыць,
што гульня праводзілася на роднай мове. Навучэнцы даведаліся шмат новага і цікавага пра беларускае народнае свята – Каляды, тым самым далучыўшыся да скарбаў нацыянальнай культуры, традыцый і вытокаў свайго народа.