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02.02.2025 #news 480 1 мин
Open Day in MRK
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On February 1, the Minsk Radio Engineering College opened the doors for applicants and their parents! Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Shumchik Franz Stanislavovich and teacher of the highest category Avhimovich Irina Vasilievna presented specialty, answered numerous questions about the rules of admission, distribution, and the features of training. The meeting was attended by representatives of the personnel organizations: Peleng OJSC, OJSC Rudensk, the Central Department of the Department of Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, the production unitary enterprise N-Ti-VI, OJSC Integral-Management Company of the Integral Holding ", The chairmen of releasing cyclic commissions, leading college teachers spoke in detail about the practice-oriented training of specialists, demonstrated equipment, and conducted master classes. Such a format of meetings is the possibility of applicants to decide on the choice of a future professional trajectory.