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On March 6, an interactive lecture was held at the Minsk Radio Engineering College for students of the 4K9393 educational group by the volunteer of the Way to the Health of the Child, Student of the Faculty of Medicine Daniel Luisovich. The meeting is dedicated to the painful theme "Hypodynamia and its prevention." The lecturer cited the scientific research data of the World Health Organization on the influence of hypodynamia on the mental and emotional state, on a decrease in the overall resistance of the human body. Talked about such diseases among youth as diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart rhythm disturbance, etc. I gave recommendations on how to deal with hypodynamia.
Pool, hardening (contrasting shower, wiping, walking barefoot, etc.).
⏰🍏🫐 Dream 7-8 hours and proper nutrition.
🌅 In sunny weather to be on the street (but do not overdo it).
🎯 Effectly dispose of temporary resources, personal resources, personal time management.
🎯 Ставить реальные цели в любой деятельности, эффективно распоряжаться временными ресурсами, личный тайм-менеджмент.