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March 11, 2024 at the Minsk Radio College, the preventive event "Together against drugs!" With the participation of the head of the health center Gaidukevich V. V. Students of the training group 4K9491 watched a documentary about the dangers of narcotic drugs and the consequences of their consumption. The problem of drug addiction is relevant to society. This is due to severe medical and social consequences of abuse of psychoactive substances, among which characteristic personality changes are in the first place. Addiction leads to physical, moral and social degradation of personality, it pushes “who have lost themselves in various kinds of crimes. Parents must set an example of positive activity: engage in the whole family for sports, choose a hobby and discuss the achievements of a teenager, engage in useful work. The more the teenager is involved in the “adult” affairs of the family and the more he feels himself an independent and valuable member of the family group, the less the risk of illegal behavior.