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15.03.2025 #news 333 1 мин
In the dormitory of MRK, an information hour was held, dedicated to the celebration of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus
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On March 15, Belarus celebrates the state holiday-the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.
The main law of the Belarusian state was adopted in 1994 at the 13th session of the Supreme Council of the 12th convocation. As a state holiday, this holiday was established by the Decree of the President of Belarus in 1998. The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is the core of the country's legal system, and also enshrines the prevailing spiritual traditions and values ​​of the state.
In 2022, it was on this day that the changes and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus accepted at the Republican referendum entered into force. This is enshrined in the decision of the Republican referendum on February 27, 2022 dated March 4, 2022
^^^^^^^ on the dormitory of the MRK, the information hour was held on the celebration of the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.
The event is organized for students living in the dormitory of the college.
leading events: students of the group 4K9393 Artyukhovskaya Anastasia and Isachenko Sofya, student 4K9291 Zhurko Oleg, told in detail the gathered presentation about the renewal, introduced into the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, which embodies the continuity and experience of the centuries-old historical path of Belarus, marks a new stage in the political and socio-economic development of the country, is based on the integral sovereign right of the Belarusian people to have their own statehood and be a full-fledged subject of the world community.
The thematic quiz “Do you know the law?” They remembered that such a constitution, rights and obligations of citizens, state symbols of our country, dated in detail at the duties that each citizen of our country must observe.
The winners received calendars from the presenters.
Creative assistance in the design of the hall was carried out by the student group 4K9091 Kolosovskaya Valeria.
Творческую помощь в оформлении зала осуществила учащаяся группы 4К9091 Колосовская Валерия.