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27.03.2024 #news 1349 3 мин
Изображение №1
Изображение №1

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has a specialized unit – the department for drug control and combating human trafficking. Each internal affairs agency has employees who fight human trafficking and related crimes.

If you or your family, friends, or acquaintances have become a victim of human trafficking, you are forced into prostitution, slave labor, and filming pornographic films, we suggest you contact us for help.

Contacts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus

Phone numbers
Brest region 8 (0162) 27 53 35, 27 55 07
Vitebsk region 8 (0212) 64 66 96, 64 66 91
Gomel region 8 (0232) 50 88 10, 50 88 07
Grodno region 8 (0152) 79 73 58, 79 79 11
Minsk region 8 (017) 229 06 07, 229 03 80
Mogilev region 8 (0222) 29 55 26, 29 55 22
City of Minsk 8 (017) 239 41 61, 239 47 55
Ministry of Internal Affairs 8 (017) 218 ​​71 70, 218 73 42, 218 74 85

Hotline number for safe travel abroad of the Department of Citizenship and Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus: 8 (017) 218 ​​52 64.

Kids. a joint project of the Representative Office of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, aimed at preventing and combating the exploitation of children on the Internet.

NGO "Business Women's Club"

NGO "Business Women's Club" hotline on safe travel, stay abroad and combating human trafficking, as well as on issues of preventing sexual violence, including on the Internet ( from 8.00 to 20.00 daily). All information is provided free of charge and anonymously.


  • 113 (short number)
  • 8 801 201 5555 (for all cellular subscribers)
  • 8 016 221 8888 (for calls from abroad)

Belarusian Red Cross Society

Address 220030, Minsk, Karl Marx street, 35
Reception telephone (017) 327- 14-17
Email info@redcross. by
Brest regional organization
Address 224005, Brest, st. K. Marx, 3
Phone/fax 8-0162-23-90-48; 21-59-56
Email breastredcross@
Vitebsk regional organization
Address 210015, Vitebsk, st. Pravdy, 18
Phone/fax 8( 0212) 42-61-34
Gomel regional organization
Address 246050, Gomel, st. Proletarskaya, 9
Phone/fax 8- 0232-75-55-71; 75-54-81
Email gomel_redcross@
Grodno regional organization
Address 230023, Grodno, st. Ozheshko 1
Phone/fax 8(0152 )74-35-82, 8(0152) 74-35-34
Minsk regional organization
Address 220039, Minsk, Chkalova street 5
Phone/fax 8(017)224-67-73
Mogilev regional organization
Address 212030 Mogilev, st. Pervomayskaya, 52
Phone/fax 8( 0222)32-70-35
Minsk City Organization
Address 220123, Minsk city, V. Khoruzhey street, 18 bldg. 1
Telephone/fax 8(017) 294-85-17
Email redcrossminsk@
Road organization
Address 220039, Minsk, Voronyanskogo street 4, building 2
Phone/fax 8(017224)66-24-40

Without wasting a minute

Signs that indicate that they want to deceive you:

  1. You are promised exorbitant earnings for unskilled labor.
  2. There is no procedure and all conditions for concluding a contract are not specified (salary, working conditions, term, responsibility of the parties). They may “swear” to you that they will settle all formalities with the conclusion of an employment contract directly on the spot – in the country of destination.
  3. A one-way ticket is offered.
  4. The company you are going to cooperate with is located in a “basement” or in a rented apartment.
  5. The company's coordinates and contact numbers are not available in official sources of information, nor is it on the list of business entities licensed for the relevant type of activity.
  6. Assurances that “intimacy” is offered “solely at your own request.”
  7. Psychological “press” with references to the fact that “the opportunity is completely unique”, “the group has already been formed and there is only one place left, which is already ready to be filled by people...eleven if you flap your ears” – which means you need to “do everything quickly and go quickly."

What to do if you feel distrust of your future employer?

  1. Check with your employer for a license for the relevant type of activity. Feel free to study the document carefully.
  2. Familiarize yourself with all the terms and conditions of concluding an employment agreement (contract).
  3. Be sure to consult with the territorial division of the Department of Citizenship and Migration (at your place of residence) on the entire range of mandatory conditions that guarantee the safety of traveling to work abroad, including the legality of the activity of the company you have chosen (license).
  4. Do not believe the reviews of “eyewitnesses” about how “good and healthy” it was where you are being sent – these people may already be financially interested in your misinformation.