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01.05.2024 #news 1674 1 мин
🌸Happy May Day! Happy Spring and Labor Day🍃
Изображение №1
Изображение №1

🗓May 1 Labor Day, which is a national holiday. It was established by Decree of the President of the country No. 157 of March 26, 1998 and has more than a century of history.

In Belarus, the May 1 holiday was first held in 1895 at a secret meeting of the proletariat. By 1905, it spread throughout Belarusian cities and became widespread.

💠In 1917, May 1 was celebrated openly for the first time. In 1918, May 1 was declared a holiday: a holiday called “International Day” was enshrined in the Labor Code.

Since 1970, May 1 and 2 have officially received the name International Workers' Days.

Happy May Day! Happy Spring and Labor Day 🌸🍃