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28.08.2024 #news 2800 2 мин
The Republican Pedagogical Council was held at the Palace of the Republic

On August 27, 2024, the Republican Pedagogical Council was held with the participation of the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko. About 2.5 thousand people took part in it. Among them are teachers, heads of educational institutions, republican and local government bodies, as well as representatives of public associations and industry trade unions. The focus is on strategic issues of development of the national education system.

Alexander Lukashenko inquired in detail from the speakers about the topics of their reports, asked clarifying questions, and sometimes even spoke out on certain current topics. The head of state outlined the main directions in which the education system will be further adjusted:

During the work of the teachers' council, The President noted the importance of expanding the college-university link and training engineering personnel: “How will we live without engineers tomorrow? Lawyers and historians will neither create electric cars nor build a nuclear power plant. That is, they are needed first of all – engineers. Where are they?” . Minister of Education Andrey Ivanets reported on the state and prospects for the development of the national education system, on organizational work with universities, on education at all levels of education.

The delegation from the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics included: rector Vadim Bogush , vice-rector for scientific work Viktor Stempitsky , professor Maxim Vashkevich , director of the BSUIR branch "Minsk Radio Engineering College" Victoria Shatalova , head of the department of electronic engineering and technology Sergey Madveiko .

Photo courtesy of BelTA , NICH

Within the framework of the council, an exhibition of scientific achievements of higher education institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Education was held. BSUIR presented at the exhibition all-weather long-range automotive collision warning radar . A prototype of the radar was developed and manufactured within the framework of subprogram 2 “Development in the production of new and high technologies” of the state program “High-tech technologies and equipment” for 2021-2025.

Development in the production of domestic automobile radar will allow for import substitution of devices of this class.

Photo courtesy of BelTA , NICH

Source: BSUIR – News .