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19.09.2024 #news 1020 1 мин
Together for a safe future!
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Meeting of students of the Minsk Radio Engineering College with the head of the ⭕️Sovetsky District Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Minsk,
✔️Alexander Vladimirovich Basov

On September 19, at the Minsk Radio Engineering College, a meeting of students was held with the head of the ⭕️Sovetsky District Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Minsk.

💬 At the meeting, current issues of crime prevention, Internet security, countering the spread of drugs and other socially dangerous phenomena were raised.

Alexander Vladimirovich spoke about modern methods of online fraud, signs of drug addiction, as well as legal liability for offenses.

🗣️ The meeting was held in the format of a live dialogue. Students actively asked questions, sharing their opinions and concerns.

💡 The head of the police department noted the importance of preventive work with youth and called on students to be vigilant, follow the laws and report any offenses to law enforcement agencies.

🤝 The meeting became a vivid example of close interaction between law enforcement agencies and educational institutions in ensuring security and law and order.