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08.10.2024 #news 988 1 мин
Meeting of students with the clergy of the St. Elisabeth Monastery
Изображение №1
Изображение №1

As part of the information and educational project “With a Positive Life”, on October 7, a meeting between students of study group 4k9091 and the clergyman of the St. Elisabeth Monastery, Priest Sergius Thaleus, took place. During the meeting, Priest Sergius Faley spoke about the history of the creation of the St. Elisabeth Convent and about the educational institutions at the monastery.
Priest Sergius Faley explained what it means to truly believe in God. The whole conversation was aimed at developing a spiritual and value-based attitude towards life and towards others.
Иерей Сергий Фалей изъяснил, что значит по-настоящему верить в Бога. Вся беседа была направлена на формирование духовно- ценностного отношения к жизни, к окружающим.