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10.11.2024 #news 938 1 мин
Information hour on the topic “Rules and norms of behavior. Moral Code of BSUIR"
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Изображение №5

On November 9, 2024, an information hour was held in the assembly hall of the MRK dormitory on the topic “Rules and norms of behavior. Moral Code of BSUIR”, “Rules for living in a hostel”.
The guys read it again and repeated the rules together. The host of the event, Erik Kamchits, a student in group 4K9191, commented on the main aspects and controversial issues, emphasizing the importance of complying with these standards to ensure comfortable and safe living. The students gained confidence in their knowledge, spent time with benefit and interest, actively participating in the discussion. During the event, questions of interest to residents were asked regarding both the internal regulations and the moral code of the university.
All questions were answered by the educational team, who explained in detail the practical aspects of observing these standards in the daily lives of students. The event contributed to improving mutual understanding between residents and teachers, and also strengthened the sense of responsibility for living together and interacting in the hostel.
The guys noted the usefulness of the information received and expressed a desire to hold such meetings regularly in order to maintain an open dialogue and resolve emerging issues.