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13.11.2024 #news 920 1 мин
Dialogue platform on the topic "Prevention of Crimes"
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On November 12, 2024, in the assembly hall of the MRK dormitory, a dialogue platform was held on the topic “Prevention of Crimes” with the participation of the senior assistant prosecutor of the Sovetsky district of Minsk
▶️Tatyana Vasilievna Litvinchuk.
During the conversation, Tatyana Vasilievna reminded students about
✔️responsibility for violating the law, and gave examples from the practical activities of law enforcement agencies.
✔️In her speech, she raised questions about responsibility for committing thefts and robberies, ✔️appropriation of other people's property and illegal use of plastic payment cards,
✔️illegal drug trafficking, their acquisition, storage, consumption and distribution,
✔️special attention was paid to digital hygiene and rules of conduct on the Internet.
At the end of the event, the meeting participants received answers to their questions.