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21.11.2024 #news 911 1 мин
Conversation on promoting a healthy lifestyle with the participation of a juvenile affairs inspector
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On November 19, 2024, in the assembly hall of the MRK dormitory, another conversation was held on the formation of a healthy lifestyle with the participation of the juvenile affairs inspector of the Department of Internal Affairs of the administration of the Sovetsky district of Minsk, police lieutenant Vladislav Vladimirovich Kruchko.
Problems of offenses and compliance with living rules in the hostel are not just abstract topics. These are questions that relate to everyday life, safety and comfort in a common home (dormitory). Each of the residents is part of a large student family, and the common goal is to create the most favorable conditions for study and communication.
Vladislav Vladimirovich has extensive experience in the field of crime prevention and shared important information with the students on how to avoid violations and conflict situations, and also spoke about the necessary measures to comply with the rules of residence. He also touched upon Articles 19.3, 19.7, 19.11 of the Criminal Code and Article 343, explaining with detailed examples that it is impossible to avoid responsibility for offenses. The tips and recommendations of the IDN inspector will help students not only establish an atmosphere of trust and respect in the hostel, but also protect themselves and their neighbors.
The host of the event was a student of group 4k9191 Mikhail Yanushkevich, who successfully organized the conversation and helped create a comfortable atmosphere for open communication.
Technical support was provided by a student of group 4k9191 Kamchits Eric and a student of the group 4k9592 Field leader Georgy.
The guys listened with interest to the IDN inspector, asked questions, which the inspector answered with explanations. The conversation became a fruitful step towards mutual understanding and safe coexistence in the hostel.