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Our educational institution has a long and vivid story.
On July 2, 1960, on the basis of a decree of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR No. 383, the Minsk Radio Engineering College was created. Having begun its activities during the formation and development of the electronic industry in the Republic of Belarus, the radio engineering college gradually transformed into the highest college.
On September 1, 1960, 200 students began classes in the newly opened Minsk Radio Engineering College, the creation of which was predetermined by the development of industrial production, which revealed the needs of the republic for qualified technical frames. The first set of students was carried out in the specialties "Electronic computing machines, devices and devices", "radio equipment", "production of radio insulating materials and radio components", "Programming for fast -acting mathematical machines".
22 teachers were training specialists in daily and correspondence forms of training. Among them were participants in the Great Patriotic War, including the Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Eliseevich Sambuk.
In 1991, an order was issued by the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Belarus No. 144 of 06/17/91. "On the transformation in the order of the experiment of the Minsk Radio Engineering College into the educational institution of the new type – college."
In 1995, the college was again reorganized and received a new status and name – the Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College (MGVRK).
Students who have studied in the 1st and 2nd year and showed good knowledge of subjects that passed testing and confirmed their knowledge on a control cut were transferred to the second level of training, obtaining pedagogical education in parallel with the knowledge of special subjects, and after the end of the MGVRK, a teacher-radio engineer, teacher-economist, teacher-programmist. The release of the first twenty students with higher education with a degree in vocational training took place in 1998.
On September 1, 2015, an updated page opens in the life of our college, which becomes a branch of the educational institution “Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics” (BSUIR) “Minsk Radio Engineering College” (MRK). The college is carried out only by the level of secondary specialized education, which does not reduce the level of responsibility for the quality of the produced specialists. MRK is a separate structural unit of BSUIR, which has poured into the university, understanding and consciously supporting its goals and objectives, and quality policy.
In accordance with the decision of the Council of the Education Institution “Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics” (protocol No. 6 dated 01.25.2019), by order of the University rector dated 01/29/2019 No. 14 on the basis of the Minsk Radio Engineering College branch, a resource center of electronics and instrumentation was created. On the basis of a letter from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated 16.09.2022 No. 03-02-14/9330/DS and the order of the Director of the branch dated December 22, 2022 No. 197, the resource center of electronics and instrumentation was renamed the Center for Competence of Information and Communication Technologies and Electronics. on the basis of the Center for Competencies in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, network training of students of other colleges of the Republic of Belarus to master the educational programs of practices is carried out. annually undergoes to 500 students of colleges. In addition, in the center of competencies, practical skills in electronics are acquired by students of the Faculty of Radio Engineering and Electronics BSUIR.
According to the results of the work by the decision of the administration of the Soviet district of Minsk, the college was repeatedly listed on the Board of Honor of the Sovetsky District of Minsk as an institution that reached the best results among the institutions of secondary special education of the Soviet district of Minsk.
By order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated 07.24.2023 No. 977 No. 367, the Belorussian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics, in terms of the activities of the Minsk Radio Engineering College, is granted the status of “Leading educational programs for secondary specialized education” at the specialties of the areas of education “Information and communication technologies”, “Engineering and Engineering and Engineering and Engineering and Engineering and Engineering and Engineering and Engineering Engineering (instrumentation and electronics). "
In accordance with the national classifier 011-2022 “Specialties and qualifications” in the college, specialists are trained in 7 specialties in the daytime form of education based on general basic education:
3 specialties of the profile “06 information and communication technologies” (direction of education 061 “Information and communication technologies”), of which:
A group of specialties 0611 “Applied Information and Communication Technologies”:
-^-5-04-0611-01 “Programming of mobile devices” (qualification-technician-programmist);
-5-04-0611-02 “Technical support for information security” (qualification-technique-technique according information security);
A group of specialties 0612 “Production of software and information support”:
-^-^-5-04-0612-02 “Development and maintenance of software of information systems” (qualification-technician-programmer);
4 specialties of the profile “07 engineering, processing and construction industries” (the direction of education 071 “Engineering, Engineering”):
Groups of specialties 0713 “Electronics and automation”:
-^-^-^-5-04-0713-01 “Technical operation of computing equipment” (qualification-Electronics technician);
^-= _ = _ = _ =^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-production of electronic devices "" (Qualification-technician-technologist);
-^-^-^-5-04-0713-06 “Technical operation of electronic devices” (qualification-technician);
-5-04-0713-09 “Production of micro- and nanoelectronics” (qualification-qualification Technologist technology). -5-04-0713-09 “Production of products of micro- and nanoelectronics” (qualification-technology technologist).
From 01.09.2025, preparations are opened in the specialty of 5-04-0611-04 “Software and technical support of digital devices” (qualification-schematic engineer-programmer) in the daily education based on general basic education (profile “06 information and communication technologies”, direction of education 061 “Information and Communication Technologies”, group of specialties 06111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 "Applied information and communication technologies").
Also in the college , specialists are trained in the remote form of education based on general secondary education in the specialty 5-04-0612-02 “Development and maintenance of software of information systems” (qualification-technician-programmer). To organize the educational process, 3 departments were created: radio engineering, electronics, computer technologies. Interaction with the college’s departments on issues of ensuring the quality of education, the development and implementation of measures to ensure improving the quality of the educational process and other issues are carried out by 8 cyclic commissions: “Production and operation of electronic devices”, “Programmable digital devices”, “Micro – and nanoelectronics”, “Software of information technologies”, “General -textual objects”, “mathematical and natural -scientific scientific and scientific and scientific items ”,“ Social and humanitarian objects ”,“ Physical education ”.
The organization of the educational process in college is carried out using information and communication technologies based on the BSUIR electronic training system. The college has training laboratories equipped with modern equipment, computers with appropriate software.
College students have access to the RIO electronic library system, electronic library systems provided by BSUIR.
The EUMK electronic base has been created and constantly updated. Access to the EUM is organized by means of the college website in the "Students" section ( ).
In order to exchange advanced pedagogical experience, scientific-methodical and scientific and practical developments in vocational education in college, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Issues of Professional Education” (included in the plan for conducting higher education and scientific organizations subordinated to the Ministry of Education of Belarus, scientific and technical events) with frequency of frequency) at two years old. The conference is attended by teachers of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of organizations of the real sector of the economy. Based on the results of the conferences, scientific electronic publications “Actual Issues of Professional Education: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference”, which are located in the BSUIR repository.
A number of joint events with educational institutions of the Russian Federation are held annually: the International Student Scientific and Practical Conference, the International Olympiad on Information Technologies, the International Internet Conference “The XXI Century: Opportunities and Prospects”, International Student Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovation Development and Digital Transformation of Society”, International Scientific and Practical Conference “Electronic Decisions in Life and Life in Life and Life in Life and Life in Life and Life in Life and Life in Life and Life in Life and Life In Life and Life science ”and others. College students annually become winners of republican and international competitions, Olympiads, etc.: Professional skill competition“ Profskills Belrus ”, Republican Youth Project“ 100 Ideas for Belarus ”, student Olympics in the BIT-CAP information technology, Republican competition scientific and technical creativity of students "Techno -intellect", international hackathon "It -^- Tech", international ICT forum Thibault and others.
On the basis of the branch, experimental and innovative projects approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus are implemented:
“Development and testing of augmented reality technology in the educational process of education institutions”;
“Development and testing of the methodology of profiling the general educational component of the educational plan of the educational institution”;
"The introduction of a model for the formation of students of labor culture in students."
The college provides practical-oriented training of specialists thanks to interaction with personnel customer organizations. Agreements on interaction and cooperation with leading organizations and enterprises of the Republic of Belarus were concluded: IOO “EOOo-= _ =-^xadel”, IOOO “Epam Simemz”, ITranzishen CJSC, the Minsk City Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, OJSC “MMZ named after S. I. Vavilova is a balancing company of the Belomo Holding, OJSC Integral-managing the Integral Holding company, ^UP "Sensor-Plus", CJSC MISOFT NVP, LLC "Texontrape", ODO "Crime Deciss", LLC "Polymaster", Mink Central Custom, Belvti OJSC, Belvti OJSC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC of Neroelectronics, Medo-Gorson, OR RUDENSK. “Nanotic”, LLC “Andersan”, LLC Papacaya, LLC “ECTS”, OJSC “Belvar's Amkodor,” OJSC “Belvti”, S. G. S. G. LLC's Mide-Gorizont, EPP SHOULD, EPP, Nup ICT "ICT", LLC "StroyPlats", OJSC "PELENG", ANC "Modsen", etc. LLC, LLC Papakaya, LLC ECTS, OJSC Belvar, OJSC BELVTI, BELVTI OJSC, OJSC. Agat-Systems, LLC LLC. LLC, Only Electronics and Horizon, OLD NPP Contact Module, LLC, LLC, NPRUP BELGIS, LLC, Girl, PP ALAVIR, ICIT, NEW OJSIT, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC, ECTS, LLC, OJSC Belvti, OJSC Belvti, Ago-Formation Ago-Formation Systems, Sky LC, OloO "NPP" Contact Module ", LLC Vostochny, LLC", NPRUP Belgiss, LLC Neroelectronics, Medo-Gorisont, PO" Plant Sink Sink Synk 407 -^UP "Sensor-plus", CJSC "Misoft NVP", ODO "exact decisions", Minsk Central Customs, LLC Nanotech, LLC, Nanotechnoe, LLC, LLC, LLC, LLC “Andersan”, Papakaya LLC, ECTS LLC, Amkodor Belvar OJSC, Belvti OJSC, Ago-Formation Management Ago-Formation Systems, Sky Torez LLC, Niva Belgidravyk DUP Romanovich S. G., Nero Electronics LLC, Electronics and Horizon Products, Oloo Gorizon Plants, OloO "NPP" Contact Module ", Vostochny LLC, LLC" Profyserv ", NPRUP Belgiss, LLC Neroelectronics, Midea-Gorisont, PE" Alavir ", NUP" ICT Horizon ", LLC Stroyplatz, OJSC" Piereng ", Modsen LLC, OJSC RUDENSK, LLC Trivateteh and OJSC Minsk Civil Aviation Plant 407 and others. All this enables graduates of the college to get first place of work in leading enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Belarus.
Many MRK graduates continue to study and receive higher education in BSUIR and other higher education institutions. They successfully work in almost all areas of the technical production of our country – microelectronics and nanoelectronics, radio engineering, mobile communications, computer technologies, etc. Many of them head enterprises and organizations.