Competence center
Изображение №1
Изображение №1
Изображение №2
Изображение №2
Изображение №3
Изображение №3
Изображение №4
Изображение №4
Изображение №5
Изображение №5
Изображение №6
Изображение №6
Изображение №7
Изображение №7
Изображение №8
Изображение №8
Изображение №9
Изображение №9

About the division

The main areas of work of the competence center:

  • preparation of pupils and students;

  • training, retraining and promotion (internship) of workers and specialists in the industrial sector and teachers in the field of radio electronics;

  • scientific and methodological, experimental and innovative, educational and production activities;

  • using the site of the competence center for training pupils (students) in the WorldSkills International championships.

Questionnaire for students in the competence center






All information

Detailed information

Laboratory of Intelligent Electronic Systems

Competence center laboratories are adapted for the full cycle of device prototype manufacturing. In this laboratory, you can program and connect the elements of the future device, as well as check its performance.

The use of modern training stands allows you to master the work with a variety of sensors and peripheral devices.

Laboratory of computer-aided design systems

In this laboratory, the design of the device case, as well as the design of printed circuit boards, is carried out. For this, modern development environments are used.

Process Automation Laboratory

The laboratory is perfectly adapted for printing cases on 3D printers, including two colors at the same time. Processing of the board blank is carried out on a milling machine.

Electrical installation laboratory

Wiring in our laboratory involves the development of skills and abilities to work with a soldering station (hinged installation, smd-installation).