Выставка «Проектная деятельность учащихся отделения компьютерных технологий»
01.02.2024 #college_life
Выставка «Проектная деятельность учащихся отделения компьютерных технологий»
Спартакиада БГУИР «Бодрость и здоровье - 2024» по Настольному теннису
31.01.2024 #college_life
Спартакиада БГУИР «Бодрость и здоровье - 2024» по Настольному теннису
Victory in the city stage “100 ideas” in the category of working youth
26.01.2024 #college_life
Victory in the city stage “100 ideas” in the category of working youth
Meeting of students with employees of the capital's security department
26.01.2024 #college_life
Meeting of students with employees of the capital's security department
Oral journal “Virtual territory, real responsibility” in the assembly hall of the MRK dormitory
23.01.2024 #college_life
Oral journal “Virtual territory, real responsibility” in the assembly hall of the MRK dormitory
Visit to the festival-fair “Beresteysky sleigh”
21.01.2024 #college_life
Visit to the festival-fair “Beresteysky sleigh”
Visiting the photo exhibition “Parallel Worlds” at the National Library
21.01.2024 #college_life
Visiting the photo exhibition “Parallel Worlds” at the National Library
Event to prevent illegal behavior “Ask the inspector a question”
19.01.2024 #college_life
Event to prevent illegal behavior “Ask the inspector a question”
Participation in the campaign "Let's remove the snow together"
19.01.2024 #college_life
Participation in the campaign "Let's remove the snow together"
Interactive role-playing game “I am a candidate for deputy”
19.01.2024 #college_life
Interactive role-playing game “I am a candidate for deputy”
Participation of Vadim Kulikov in the Republican competition “Youth Ambassadors of the Sustainable Development Goals - the future of the planet is in our hands”
18.01.2024 #college_life
Participation of Vadim Kulikov in the Republican competition “Youth Ambassadors of the Sustainable Development Goals - the future of the planet is in our hands”
Visit to the BELTA photo exhibition “Parallel Worlds”
17.01.2024 #college_life
Visit to the BELTA photo exhibition “Parallel Worlds”
Visit to the National Library of Belarus
16.01.2024 #college_life
Visit to the National Library of Belarus
History and Orthodox traditions of my region
12.01.2024 #college_life
History and Orthodox traditions of my region