Schedule of interest associations
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No. ^-= _ =-HA^-= _ =-HEN | the name of the association
| Full name of the teacher ^_ = _ =-^the number of groups | ^ ^-= _ =-IL | Technical profile
^-= _ = -ILE^-= _ = _ = _ _ _ = _ _ =-^ | Olympiad programming |||
^ | Gruntovich Pavel Nikolaevovich ^ ^-= _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = -^1 | 2. | ^-= _ = _ =-^^^_ =-^-^development and programming of microprocessor devices
1^-= _ = _ =-^ | Development of mobile applications on | koltin ^^ _ =-^ Akhrami Anna Dmitrievna | |
^ | Ha- = _ = – ^^ – = _ = -1 4. ^ | neural networks and machine learning for Python
| 2 ^-= _ =-PA-= _ =--=--_ =--_ =--= _ =--= _ =--= _ =--= _ =--= _ =-- ^ | 5.
^-= _ = _ =-^ | ^-= _ =-HAZ Natalia vladimirovna
| 2
| ^ |
^ 7. | ^^HI = _ =-^^-= _ =-HA^-= _ =-=-=-_ =-=-_ =-_ =-=-_ =-= _ =-_ =-_ = ^Basketball Krebatovich Maxim Igorevich | ^^^^^_ = _ =-^^_ = _ =-^1 ^-= _ = _ =-^ | |
^^ _ = Hera hialibol | HA = HA = HA = HA = HERA = -^ |||
| 2 ^ ^ -= _ = -ha^ -= _ = -HEL | 9. Healing gymnastics |
| TAYNRAVOVA Tatyana Veniaminovna
1 ^ | ^ ^ ha- = _ = ^^ – _ =_ = _ = – ^^ | ^-= _ =-I Artistic Gymnastics ^_ = _ =-^ | TAYNRAVOVA Tatyana Veniaminovna ^_ =-^^-= _ _ = _ =-^ 1 |
Ha- = _ =-^11. ^-= Hi = -_ =-=-= -_ = -_ = -_ =-=-= -_ = -_ --_ = =-=-= _ = -_ = -_ = -_ = -_ = -_ = -_ = -__ =-^ | swimming -= _ =-^ lobastov Andrey konstantinovich | 1^-= _ = _ = _ =-^ | ^ | -^12.
| Lagokin Stefania Vladimirovna ^^^^^_ = _ =-^ 1 | ^_ = _ = _ =-^ Military-patriotic profile |
| HA-= _ =-^^-= _ = HI =-^13.
Patriot | ^Ha -_ =-^-^nirtsov igor nikolaevich ^ _ = _ =-^ | 2 ^ | ^HA-= _ =-^The cultural-lean profile ^_ = _ =-^ |
^Studio of vocal skill " | voice ^^^ teaphy " | 1^-= _ = _ =-^ | |
15. ^^HA = _ =-^^-= _ =-HA "The Theater is miniature" | |||
| 2 ^-= _ =-PA-=^_ =--=----= _ =--=--=--= _ =--=--= _ =--=--= _ =--=--= _ =--=--= _ =--=--= _ =--=--=-=--=-=--= _ =--=--=-=--=-=--= _ ^ . | 2 | |
Cultural and leisure profile | |||
14. | Vocal skill studio “ voice Teraphy ” | GATESKOYE JULIA Alexandrovna | 1 |
15. | "Theater of miniatures" | 2 |