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Didactic material
Physical education - a source of vitality and health
18.4 KB
Balanced diet
18.3 KB
Ethics of business communication. Business conversations
16.0 KB
Explosive jokes ... or what threatens to Lemineers
52.3 KB
The object of crime is a mobile phone
97.5 KB
15 myths about drug addiction
27.5 KB
Knowledge of HIV for each
79.0 KB
18.8 KB
Information certificate of IPP
52.0 KB
Smoking and cancer
52.5 KB
Beer alcoholism
35.5 KB
Myths and reality of alcohol
27.0 KB
HIV - no longer a sentence
62.1 KB
And remembers the world saved ...
42.7 KB
Food errors, or 7 myths about useful products
19.8 KB
How to competently make a resume
32.3 KB
Blood donation is important
140.4 KB
Preparation of the presentation
18.5 KB
Influence of loud music on human hearing state
18.1 KB
Hatin-symbol of eternal memory and sorrow of the Belarusian people
16.3 KB
Corruption: essence, measures of counteraction
26.4 KB
The largest lesson in the world
26.6 KB
Saving energy resources means to be modern
16.4 KB
Rules of conduct in fire
183.0 KB
Typical procedure in emergency situations
13.6 KB
Memot of actions when detecting a suspicious object
14.0 KB
75 years since the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from Nazi invaders
502.2 KB
Prevention of drug addiction in the Republic of Belarus
42.4 KB
The results of the Great Patriotic War and the contribution of the Belarusian people to a general victory
52.0 KB
Recommendations for the use of masks
13.5 KB
Personal Hand Hands
12.9 KB
TOP-5 pandemius who changed the world
21.0 KB
How to understand that you are manipulated
31.0 KB
Participation and involvement in mass events is unsafe
31.0 KB
Information security rules. How not to become a victim of a cybercriminal
353.5 KB
How to protect yourself from theft of funds
239.6 KB
Extracts from the Code of the Republic of Belarus on administrative offenses dated 06.01.2021
25.5 KB
New and old Code of Administrative Offenses: Comparative table of individual innovations (special part)
520.9 KB
New and Old Code of Administrative Offenses: comparative table of individual innovations (common part)
165.4 KB
New Code of Administrative Offenses and Picoap from 01.03.2021
185.0 KB
Accelerated administrative process from 01.03.2021
123.0 KB
Danger's message - false, punishment - real
356.7 KB
Vaccination against Covid -19 -the best protection
788.3 KB
Reasons to vaccinate from Covid-19
254.2 KB
An algorithm of actions in the event of emergency situations
167.6 KB
Prevention of crimes committed using the capabilities of the global Internet
222.3 KB
Prevention of illegal turnover and consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues
24.8 KB
Information on the basic articles of legal legislation
19.2 KB
The procedure for using aircraft models, unmanned aerial vehicles in the airspace of the Republic of Belarus
16.9 KB
Falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War as a scientific and social problem
115.6 KB
COVID-19 vaccine-prevention in questions and answers
21.1 KB
On preventive vaccinations
46.1 KB
802.7 KB
Be a hacker, not entertainment, but a crime
7.5 MB
Rules of family life
17.1 KB
The basic concepts of morality
20.5 KB
Moral norms
16.7 KB
Culture of communication
19.1 KB
Day of popular unity
130.2 KB
100 years since the founding of the National Library of Belarus
99.8 KB
New edition of the Code of the Republic of Belarus about education
15.5 KB